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Is your shower head not working like it used to? Shower heads are things that people expect to be self-cleaning and therefore forgotten about in most cleaning routines. This can lead to build-ups of minerals for hard water, leaving you with low water pressure, which no one wants.
This can work by either removing the shower head or leaving it attached, depending on what you prefer/what is more manageable.
If you prefer to leave your shower head attached, then:
If you have significant amounts of buildup, removing the shower head may be the way to go. For this method:
If needed to remove additional buildup, you can do some scrubbing for both of these methods after soaking it.
This can work by either removing the shower head or leaving it attached, depending on what you prefer/what is more manageable.
If you prefer to leave your shower head attached, then:
If you have significant amounts of buildup, removing the shower head may be the way to go. For this method:
If needed to remove additional buildup, you can do some scrubbing for both of these methods after soaking it.
This part is easier if you have access to your shower head's user manual (either the physical version or the company's website) because every shower head is different. It is usually located in the part where the shower head connects to the pipe, so follow these steps to clean it:
After cleaning both the shower head and the filter screen, your water pressure should go back to its original state.
You may want to consider adding cleaning your shower head into your regular bathroom cleaning. To do this, fill a spray bottle with distilled white vinegar and wipe it down. This helps reduce build-up and the need for deep cleaning.
If none of the above suggestions work, consider getting a new shower head or consulting a plumbing professional at High Speed Plumbing.
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